When the 2023 Kentucky legislature started making ominous noises about limiting the rights of transgendered people with SB 150 — known as the ‘Anti-Trans Bill’ — we realized it threatened to drive marginalized communities out of the Bluegrass to seek security elsewhere. Working with a small group of partners, principally Queer Kentucky, an LGBTQ+ non-profit that champions queer culture in the commonwealth, we developed the ‘Stay Here’ campaign, built on supportive messages, rather than incendiary ones.

Two females holding hands on rainbow flag.
Outdoor board 'If You're Queer Stay Here.'
Outdoor board 'We're Queer for You.'
Outdoor board 'Keep Louisville queered.'
Three Queer Kentucky Posters.
T-Shirt 'Keep Louisville Queered.'
T-Shirt 'If You're Queer Here Stay Here.'
Home page from Queer Kentucky website.
Queer Gear page from Queer Kentucky website.
Page from Queer Kentucky website.
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